Inventory Management System Source Code Using JAVA NetBeans And MySQL Database

Java inventory management system project

in this java project demo we will see how to use our java netbeans inventory management system with a mysql database.

goals of this project:
- give students / curious persons an example so they can learn from it.
helping people create their first project. 
sharing knowledge with others.

this project is not for:
- people who want to use it as their final year project.
- a real life store.

- java programming language.
- netbeans ide 8.2.
- mysql database.
- for images.
- for colors.
- text file to generate order.

Watch This Full Demo

1 - Login Form

the login form allow the ADMIN and the other USERS to login into the application Home Form

java inventory system - login form

if the user enter wrong username or password a message will show up

java inventory system - login form error

and if everything is ok, when you click on the login button the main/home form will show up and the login form will close it self.

2 - Home Form

if the user type is ADMIN a "user" tab will be visible on the top menu

java inventory system - admin home form

if the user type is USER the "user" tab will be invisible

java inventory system - user home form

3 - Product Section

when you click on the Product tab, the MANAGE_PRODUCTS_FORM will show up

java inventory system - manage products

- on the form load all products will be displayed into a jtable.

- when you enter a value in the search box and click search button, only the products that contain this value will be shown in the jtable.

java inventory system - search products

if you click on the "Add New Product" button the Add_Product_Form will show up, this form allow you to enter the new product data and insert it into mysql database.

java inventory system - add new product

on the top form you can see a combobox categories, this combobox is populated from category table in the mysql database with the category name and id using HashMap.

and if you want to update a product just select the product you want to edit from the jtable and click on the "Edit Selected Product" and the Edit_Product_Form will show up with all the selected product data displayed on the form. 

java inventory system - edit selected product

when you want to delete a product just select the product you want to remove and click on the "Remove Selected Product" button.

NOTE: when you Edit or Remove a product click on the "Refresh" button to see the new results in the jtable.

4 - Category Section

now if you want to manage the categories you have to go to the category tab.
- when you click on the category tab the MANAGE_CATEGORIES_FORM will show up.

- you can insert a new category by just entering the name on the textfield and click the "Insert New Category" button.

- the MANAGE_CATEGORIES_FORM contain a jtable with all the categories name and id.

- if you select a category from the jtable : 1) the data of the selected category will be displayed on the textfields, 2) the products on the selected category will be displayed on a list. 

- also a navigation buttons for next and previous .

java inventory system - manage categories

- when you click on "show full  products list in this category" button a form with full products data in this category will show up.

java inventory system - show products in a category

5 - Customer Section

in this section you can:

- see all the customers in database displayed on jtable.

- get the selected customer data from jtable and set it into jtextfields on jtable click.

- insert a new customer.

- update the selected customer data.

- delete the selected customer.

- navigate using "Next" & "Previous".

- clear all jtextfields text using the "clear" buttons.

- display the selected customer orders count.

- display the selected customer total orders amount.

- display the selected customer last order date.

java inventory system - manage customers

6 - Order Section

when you click on the order tab MANAGE_ORDERS_FORM will show up, and this form contain:

- 1 jtable with all customers.

- 1 jtable for products ( show products depending on combobox category ).

- 1 jtable to display the products you want to add into the order .

java inventory system - manage orders

Watch A Full Order Section Demonstration

on the jtable for customers, if you select a row the customer id will be set into the jtextfield id.

now if you want to add products to the order follow those steps:

1 - select the category you want from the combobox.

2 - click on the product you want to add -> click on the ">>>" button enter the quantity you want, you can't enter 0 or let the box empty or enter a heigher quantity than the one available on the database.

java inventory system - quantity

java inventory system - quantity 0

java inventory system - unavailable quantity

and if everything is ok, the selected product will be add to the order jtable with the quantity you want.

now lets add more products to the order table

java inventory system - add products to order

- in the jtable you can see a column "Quantity X Price" where we calculate the total price for this product.
- on the bottom you can see the total amount of all products.

java inventory system - order buttons

- the "Remove Product" button allow you to select remove the selected product from the order jtable. - the "Clear" button allow you to remove all products from the order jtable.

if all is good, click the "Insert Order" button to add the new order with the details into the database.

if you want to show all the orders click on the "Show All Orders" button and All_Orders_Form will show up with all the orders displayed on a jtable.

java inventory system - show all orders

when you click on "Print Selected Order" the selected order will be printed into a text file.

java inventory system - print order

7 - User Section

and the last one is the user tab ( for admin only ), so when you click on it the  MANAGE_USERS_FORM will show up with all the users displayed on a jtable.
if you select a user from the jtable all the data will be set into textfields so you can delete it or edit the informations.
- and to add a new user enter the user informations click on the "Insert" button.
java inventory system - manage users

if you want the source code click on the download button below

disclaimer: you will get the source code + the database script
                    and to make it work in your machine is your responsibility
                    and to debug any error/exception is your responsibility
                    this project is for the students who want to see an example and read                                      the code not to get and run

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